Friday, November 03, 2006

Jann Arden in Brampton

We are lucky enough to be playing TWO nights at the beautiful, newly restored Rose Theatre in Brampton.

So far we've played the first show and it was amazing! The sound is really good there and the audience last night was really great! Jann was so funny!! She kept us all laughing, with tons of new stories for ALL of us. And she keeps singer better and better too. It's an honour to be singing with her. Sometimes I can't beleive I am staring at her, trying to sing exactly with her voice, it's like I go in and out of being a fan watching the show in awe, and being on stage performing myself. It's really great.

I also noticed last night, looking over at maury, that I wish I could take photos with my eyes. The lighting looks so great. And that's my best friend standing there beside me! After 20 years, we are still making music together..and still having fun too!

Russ is feeling really sick, but you can't tell by listening to him. I don't think I could do it if I was that sick. I can barely keep up with these guys even on a good day! Maury and Lyle are playing really well together too (as per usual) and we are ALL having fun singing. The backup parts are sounding really THICK and AIRY. Anyway, totally loving every minute of it!

Check out Jann's Website!!

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