Saturday, March 01, 2008


Jann Arden played the ACC, it was my first time playing there. Sarah Mclachlan sang "Die for You" with us, it was great. And a totally wonderful show. Jann hosted the rest of the night and was really funny as usual. There's no way you can see me in this video, but you can catch my vibe....


Sarah Kramer said...


Larry Powell said...

I felt your vibe Gray!

erynn said...

i couldn't figure out any other way to leave a message on your blog so...
got some bones to pick: first - there is no evidence on your blog that you even know me. not cool. second - time to put some more picture of henry up. third - what about my cats?? no ode to them on either your blog or flickr. also not cool. that's it for now :)

erynn said...

scratch the henry comment. i see you put a newer version of him up on your flickr account...