Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hen Day 24

_GMP5792tu.JPG, originally uploaded by grahammichaelpowell.
Hen is starting to look like a little person now.
You can almost imagine him saying his first word soon.
"Graham" (or muma.....whatever...)

_GMP5829tu.JPG, originally uploaded by grahammichaelpowell.

_GMP5820tu.JPG, originally uploaded by grahammichaelpowell.


Sarah Kramer said...

oh my god...

Candy Minx said...

Aw he is so cute and a red head!!!!

Hey how ya doing I miss Mercury coffee, but there is lots fo good coffee in chicago.

Hey do you have time or interest to participate in a small survey?

I "curated" a bunch of art listed on eBay and then wrote a survey about art and decor.

I'd love to hear your perspective(and of course any of your readers) it's only about a dozen questions if you have time here: